Monday, March 18, 2013

Looking at the Big Picture; Physical, Mental and Social Health

The word health comes from the Old English word “hale” meaning “wholeness, a being whole, sound or well.”  Health is defined as the general condition of the body (Merriam-Webster) and a state of complete physical, mental or social well-being (Wikipedia).  This shows that the body is intended to be examined as a whole and not in bits and pieces.

The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not. – Mark Twain

Your physical health is the body’s ability to function without restrictions on a daily basis.  Your eyes can see, your ears can hear and your legs can walk, jump, run.  Physical health is the most vital element of your overall health.
Some ways to maintain your physical health are by:
  1. Keep fit by regular exercise – Your will have more energy, maintain your weight or lose weight, increase your confidence and battle chronic diseases.  The general goal is to try to exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
  2. Avoid tobacco, alcohol and drugs – They interfere with messages to the brain and alter perception.
  3. Maintain your ideal body weight – this is measured by height and female/male
  4. Eat a balanced meal – Oil, margarine, reduced fat spread, butter, sugar should all be eaten in small amounts; lean meat, eggs, fish, chicken, yogurt, milk, cheese should be eaten moderately; vegetables, beans, cereals, fruit, rice, lentils, bread should be eat most.
  5. Practice good grooming habits – be neat & properly dressed, bathe daily, care for teeth and gums, good posture
  6. Get plenty of rest – your body likes routines, so try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day; amount of sleep depends on age, health, genetics but typically 7-8 hours.

Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded. – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Your mental health is how you think, feel & cope with daily life, being able to decide what’s right and what’s wrong.  It’s the way you express your emotions and adapt to a range of demands.
Some ways to maintain your mental health are by:
  1. Develop thinking and decision making skills and strive to learn new information
  2. Take responsibility for decisions, feelings and actions
  3. Control and fulfill desires and impulses in an appropriate manner
  4. Function and interact effectively with others
  5. Adapt to change
  6. Care for yourself and others and give and accept love
  7. Deal with situations that cause anxiety, disappointment and frustration
  8. Learn how to deal with life’s problems and ways to deal with stress
Your social health is the how you interact with people around you and how well and how often you do.   A good social health is one with a good circle of friends and a good support system from family.   Your social health includes parts of your personality and social skills and is closely related with well-being, adjustment and social functioning.  Studies have shown that a poor social health can be as bad as a poor diet and not exercising is for physical health.

Some ways to maintain your social health are by:
  1. Getting along with family and friends
  2. Make and keep friends
  3. Work well in groups
  4. Disagree without fighting
  5. Give and get support when needed

Your health triangle is made of 3 equal sides: physical, mental and social health.  This helps you keep all aspects of your life and health in balance with each other.  They are all equally important to maintain the best health.  If one side is neglected or overly emphasized, the other sides will suffer.  For example, a person who is strict about their diet and exercise often neglects socializing with friends because s/he doesn't want to miss a workout.  This person may also avoid having dinner with friend because of this strict diet.  This may lead to loneliness.

Although you are taught to think in terms of pieces and parts when it comes to your body, our body, mind and emotions together form the whole person.  Physical health is connected to mental and social health.

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly. – Siddartha Guatama Buddha

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