Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beat the Heat

I didn't try it but I wonder if you could fry an egg on the sidewalk?  It sure feels like we could. There are two main problems with exposure to this excessive heat; heat stroke and heat exhaustion.  The elderly are more prone to these problems.  According to the CDC, on average, 675 people die from complications related to extreme heat each year in the United States.  That is more than tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, lightning or any other weather event combined.  Almost half are people over 65 years of age.  Many more are hospitalized due to a heat related illness.  
Here are some tips on beating the heat:

  1. If you have air condition, please use it.  Don't try to save money by not using it.  The closer the temperature in a house gets to 90 F, the less a fan can cool the body.  Above 90 F, it just stirs up air almost as hot as your body's temperature.
  2. Wear loose, light weight, light colored clothes, specifically cotton as it will keep you cooler than many synthetics.
  3. Take frequent, lukewarm showers or baths, maybe twice a day, to help cool the body.
  4. Eat lightly and drink plenty of fluids. Non-caffeine and non-alcoholic beverages help prevent dehydration.
  5. Keep a container of cool water nearby and use wet washcloths to pat the wrists, face and back of neck or, for a quick cool down, wrap ice cubes in a washcloth.
  6. Wear a wide-brimmed hat when in the sun.
  7. Stay in the coolest part of the house; usually the lowest floor.
  8. A shady spot outdoors may be cooler than the house, especially if there is a breeze.
  9. Use portable and ceiling fans to substitute for or assist the air conditioner.
  10. Open windows on 2 sides of the house to create cross ventilation. 
  11. Use white window shades, curtains, or blinds to reflect sunlight and heat away from the house.  
  12. Close curtains on south and west-facing windows during the day.
  13. Plan outside activities for before noon or in the evening when it is cooler. 
  14. Sunburn makes it harder to stay cool.  Use sunscreen when outdoors.
  15. Fill a spray bottle with water and keep it in the refrigerator for a quick refreshing spray to your face after being outside. 
  16. Keep plastic bottles of water in the freezer; grab one when you're ready to go outside.  As it melts, you'll have ice cold water.
  17. Use the microwave oven instead of a conventional oven.
  18. Use common sense.  If the heat is intolerable, say inside with a fan and/or air condition.
Some people don't have air conditioning and as stayed above once the house is 90 F, a fan won't help the heat.  Here are some places to go to stay cool:
  1. Mall
  2. Recreation Center
  3. Senior Center
  4. Movies
  5. Library
  6. Friend or Family's house

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